Technical assistance and externalized service platforms
Our consultants may provide service for different systems (from Information System to Industrial IT).
In order to remain at the top of innovation and allow our intervention in all domains, our consultants follow regular trainings.
That’s how they enrich the scope of their skills (technical, methods, human, relation and functional skills) and can thus offer our customers their technical and functional expertise.
Projects may have various durations, from one to several months, depending on our customers, the type of projects as well as the required skills.
We can technically assist all along the project:
- Counseling, Audit
- Expert evaluations
- As project owner (analysis of requirements)
- As project Manager (design and development)
- Validation, integration,
- Overall project management
We can also set up externalized service platforms in order to participate, from our own offices and through a secured line, in our customers’ projects.
We guarantee for such externalized platforms our commitment in terms of means, as opposed to fixed-price projects, third-party application maintenance, third-party application acceptance and Service Center offers.
Be it in in the scope of technical assistance or externalized service platforms, we have set up in the past years a full follow-up methodology:
Consultant follow-up:
Our technical directors follow-up on every mission, with a frequency that varies depending on each customer, project or on our consultants. This usually occurs every 1 to 3 months.
The approach of this follow-up is both technical and human (consultants can share their interest for their mission, their motivation as well a potential need for additional training…)
Customer follow-up:
Several meetings are held throughout the service period (kick-off meetings, follow-up meetings, closing meetings).
These allow anticipating any problem and react accordingly or can help detect new requirements in the frame of the consultant’s project.